- Domestics` average was 490K KRW, half of Imports`
- 1 out of 4 customers received a repair cost discount, with Nissan owners receiving the most
- Complaint filing was 13% on Avg., with JPN brands showing low rates
ConsumerInsight Inc., a company specializing in automotive research, launched `Automotive Consumer Experiences,’ quantifying consumers’ car life experiences. This project attempts to share consumer experience information obtained from the 2022 Automobile Syndicated Study with professionals in the automobile industry. For further advancement in the industry and improved customer satisfaction, ConsumerInsight will provide information about the various moment of truth (MOT). The first one is the moments of truth of the AS process experiences.
[05] Payment
1. The average cost per repair/maintenance was 828,000 KRW
- GM Korea (413,000 KRW) and Hyundai (449,000 KRW) showed a relatively low repair/maintenance cost
- Toyota was the only imported brand included in the lowest 5 brands at 512,000 KRW
Q: What was the approximate cost of the total service you paid when you had your vehicle serviced at the garage?
2. 25.4% of customers experienced ‘Discount on the repair/maintenance bill’
- Brands with the most discounts on the repair/maintenance bill were Nissan (36.1%) and Porsche (34.1%)
Q: On my recent visit to that garage, they gave me a discount on repairs. (Yes/No)
3. 12.6% of customers filed complaints about the repair/maintenance received
- Brands with a low complaints filing rate were Lexus(4.8%) and Toyota(6.4%)
- Ssangyong, among domestic brands had the lowest rate at 9.3%
Q: I have filed complaints about the repair/maintenance result in the past 1 year.(Yes/No)
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